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China Dinnerware

by Mottahedeh

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Bejeweled Frog
Box by Ciel
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NOTE: All items below which are previously owned, come buffed and polished to look like new with a 100% money back guarantee less shipping & handling. All items designated as Factory Brand New are first quality fresh from the factory!

Factory Brand New


Chinese export for the West was often a riot of color and fantastic animal images. This design was created by Mottahedeh in the spirit of that style. Features burnished gold accents.
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Factory Brand New


Chinese export for the West was often a riot of color and fantastic animal images. This design was created by Mottahedeh in the spirit of that style. Features burnished gold accents.
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Factory Brand New


To the Chinese, the carp is a symbol of success and plenty. This stylish goldfish seems to swim towards us, providing a splash of color in the center of ornately painted gold borders. Perhaps inspired by a Baroque silver or faience
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Factory Brand New


To the Chinese, the carp is a symbol of success and plenty. This stylish goldfish seems to swim towards us, providing a splash of color in the center of ornately painted gold borders. Perhaps inspired by a Baroque silver or faience
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Factory Brand New


To the Chinese, the carp is a symbol of success and plenty. This stylish goldfish seems to swim towards us, providing a splash of color in the center of ornately painted gold borders. Perhaps inspired by a Baroque silver or faience
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Factory Brand New


Chinese export for the West was often a riot of color and fantastic animal images. This eagle platter is an adaptation of one that existed (circa 1750- 1760) with an early adaptation of the colonial American eagle. The shape of
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Factory Brand New


Chinese export for the West was often a riot of color and fantastic animal images. This eagle platter is an adaptation of one that existed (circa 1750- 1760) with an early adaptation of the colonial American eagle. The shape of
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Factory Brand New


A colorful and imaginative mallard is the central design of this platter which features matte burnished gold borders and floral accents. This innovative design created by Mottahedeh is in the spirit of the original style, though
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Factory Brand New


Taken from earlier examples of Chinese Export serving pieces such as the Carp Platter of the Dallas Museum's Wendy Reeves collection (ca. 1750-60), this colorful treatment with 22k gold details is sure to please your guests at the
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Factory Brand New


Chinese export for the West was often a riot of color and fantastic animal images. This design features a fanciful rooster at the center of burnished gold borders and floral accents, and is an exact replica of the original.
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